Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 3:

Previously on Celebrity Apprentice: Goldberg lifted multiple people over his head. Cyndi Lauper schlepped carpet across a busy street. Bret Michaels got all whiny. Sharon Osbourne coughed all over the refreshment table. Cranky Jeff from Kodak made his triumphant return and gave Tenacity their first win, despite Project Manager Maria Kanellis wearing a red doily on her head for most of the episode. Despite being funny, Sinbad was shown the door, and we were all surprised at how sad we were about it.

As they wait in the suite to see who’s getting fired, Michael Johnson and Goldberg agree that they wouldn’t be sad to see Bret go. Bret and Blagojevich return, and Blagojevich tries to be funny and fails. Bret says that it’s getting old the way everybody throws him under the bus. Ironically, it is the Rock of Love Bus he was thrown under. But seriously, we’re two weeks in. Week One, he was the winning project manager and everybody sang his praises. So the thing that he says is “getting old” happened for the first time just twenty minutes ago. Hey, you know what else is getting old? Bret Michaels. By the way, I think I should note that Bret did not get to play himself in Hot Tub Time Machine. They actually got a Bret Michaels impersonator. There is such a thing! (I was squinting to see if it was Bret…apparently, none of Poison were available, which is insane.  If Billy Zabka, 80s teen movie villain extraordinaire, can make time in his busy schedule, surely C.C. Deville can fit it in!–Myndi)

Dear Lord, Bret is still complaining to Michael about how the Kodak task went. At least a couple people in the room are wearing different clothing than they were in the last shot, so this is like a time lapse shot of whining. He is totally the Melissa Rivers of this season. Michael’s facial expression here is something amazing – imagine complete boredom and complete disgust co-existing on the same face. Michael finally walks out, as well he should.

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