The All-Pilot Project

The All-Pilot Project: “Homeland Security USA” and “13: Fear is Real”

Today’s All-Pilot Project features two shows that sound like we just made them up as some sort of prank.  I assure you, they are real.
Homeland Security USA
Wednesday 8 PM, ABC
The Premise: It’s a documentary series about Homeland Security and the Border Patrol.  So, it’s This is not an easy show to find an image COPS, only with more forged passports and fewer dudes in wifebeaters.
The Personnel: The brave men and women of US Customs!
The Poop: OK, we’ve all sat down and watched COPS.  Nobody wants to admit to it, but sometimes you just want to see some dope explain why there’s a crack pipe in his car.  There’s just something about stupid people getting in trouble that is entertaining on a very basic level.

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