Fun With Pop Culture

The Shut-In’s Guide to the Best of TV, 2008 – Part One

When the end of the year rolls around, we all like to make our lists. The Top 10 list is the traditional method for this sort of thing, but I like to go that extra mile. I watch a lot of TV after all, and I feel like I’m going to hurt somebody’s feelings if I limit myself to ten. Besides, I feel like doubling up on my TV list makes up for the fact that I can’t do a Top 10 list for this year’s albums, since the only thing I bought was Elvis Costello’s Momofuku. Also, five of my Top 10 movies would probably be Dark Knight.
But let me tell you, I sweat over getting the TV list down to twenty entries. I had to cheat. I had to search my soul. I even had to take reality shows out of consideration. This, I think is actually justified. With reality TV, it’s a fine line between legitimately good (The Amazing Race, Project Runway), so-bad-it’s-good (The Pick-Up Artist), and so-bad-it’s-awesome (50 Cent: The Money and the Power). Thus, I’m sticking with scripted television for my list.

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