Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: The Semi Finals (May 11)

You know, I haven’t really watched the opening credits in a while, and I’d really sort of blocked out Denise Richards.  Also, Steve Wozniak in that silky pink shirt is probably one of the five scariest images on TV this year.

A few random observations?  I’m not sure what was going on with the pro number to “Should I Stay or Should I Go” highlighting the dances.  It was certainly fun, but it was all filler.  And I kind of don’t think think The Clash should ever be on this show.  Samantha’s dress looks like Woodstock puked on her, but was mindful to leave considerable cleavage visable.
We’re getting a few new time fillers this week in the form of each team looking back at which dances were their turning points in the series as well as some personal backstory.  

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