Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars–Results, Week 8

Tom starts the show by asking if “The Pistol” has fired her final round.  Man, do I hope so.  Len asks Kyle & Lacey to reprise their instant jive and it’s just as adorable and engaging the second time around.  Kyle’s in the zone and Lacey is at her most endearing in this style of dance.

They get to find out their fate first, all alone, and of course they are safe.  Whew!  Dance Center promo with shirtless Len?  Yikes!

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Oh, I guess we’re just gonna jump right into it!  I love how Kenny Mayne always makes sure to emphasize his farmer’s tan with a sleeveless shirt.  Kurt Warner’s up first and his age is listed as “retired” and Len says he likes Kurt’s ease, elegance and will to win.  There’s the obligatory “big hands” joke, complete with a prop hand that Len caresses Kenny’s arm with.  Then there’s a tape where Kurt is shown throwing passes to the male dancers in the parking lot that blow them up, thereby eliminating the competition.  It’s dumb, but Jerry Rice saves it by saying, “Man, that looks like it would sting!”

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  1. NOOOOOOOO! I leave for one week and this is what happens? Hilarious recap, but if you’ve ever wondered what it sounds like when a heart breaks across the ocean, you just heard it….

  2. Un-frikkin-believable! Kurt and Anna get the boot, yet Bristol gets to stay So, so wrong!

    I wonder if Mark feels any guilt or embarrassment b/c Bristol clearly deserved to go weeks ago, while others were shown the door too early in the season.

    Kyle…encore dance…safe…woo!

    I’m hoping many of Kurt’s fans will now vote for Kyle.

    The only bright spots last night were DanceCenter and Kyle’s jive.

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