Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – the Season 11 Finale

Previously, on Dancing with the Stars – Man, it has been a weird season.  Bristol Palin somehow hung in there despite not being much of a dancer.  And while I initially took all the talk of a Tea Party voting block to be crazy conspiracy talk, then people involved actually started giving interviews talking about how they were trying to “drive the Left crazy”.  And really, they only succeeded in driving the people crazy who really enjoy this show and like to see a bunch of awesome dances in the Finals.  You know, people like me.  Jennifer Grey, despite being held together with duct tape at this point has been doing a fantastic job all season.  I like when this actually seems really important to somebody, but they still manage to have fun.  And speaking of fun, Kyle Massey has just been a joy.  He’s still not that polished, but you have to love watching the kid.

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