The Best Shows on TV

TV Moments of Joy 3: With a Vengeance (May 14-20)

We’re in a little bit of a weird place this week, as we’re just days away from the Lost finale. It’s a strange mix of anticipation and fear, which is not what we expect from a Friday. But even though we’re actively worried about Hurley and spending most of our time and energy trying to figure out Benry’s angle, that doesn’t mean we’re not still capable of joy. That’s right, TV came through for us once again and gave us our weekly Moments of Joy.
Even aside from the Island, it was kind of dark this week. We learned that ABC cancelled Better Off Ted and FlashForward, in favor of keeping V. And NBC announced they were holding back Parks and Recreation for mid-season. On the bright side, though, FOX picked up Running Wilde which re-teams Arrested Development creator Mitch Hurwitz with Will Arnett. That eases the pain.
And no matter how bleak it looks, we can always count on Neil Patrick Harris, Sarah Silverman, and Sideshow Bob to make it all better. So here are this week’s TV Moments of Joy.
1. Lost – Remember a couple of weeks ago when producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse met the Muppets? Well, this week the stakes were raised when Sarah Silverman interviewed them for a Funny or Die video. These guys have a good sense of humor, and if you share our love of Darlton and Sarah, you’ll enjoy finding out where the light really comes from. Though we’re not convinced that the addition of “Yakkity Sax” would be an improvement. (Warning: Not Safe For Work. Or Children.)

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