Dancing With The Stars

Dancing WIth the Stars-Latin Night! (April 14)

Last week, Adam Carolla was eliminated after dressing like Zorro and riding a unicycle. There’s a computer graphic where the unicycle flies off the screen, and that’s it for Adam. Deep down, Tom Bergeron is very happy, because he doesn’t have to work around Adam’s ten-minute stand-up bits after every performance. Not that Tom would ever admit it, because he’s a nice man. It’s Latin Night, with everybody getting mostly naked to perform the rumba or the samba. It’s the Sexiest Night of the Competition!

Hey Tom, what album did Cheap Trick record at Budokan? Liiiiiiiiiiive!

Tom and Samantha Harris get right down to business. No time for pleasantries, baby, it’s Latin Night! First up are Mario and Karina. We are reminded that Mario’s fallen out of Len’s good graces. Karina says that they used to want to win, and now they’re taking it one week at a time. That’s got to do wonders for Mario’s self-esteem. We also see that her nickname for him is “Poopy”. Anyway, Mario and Karina go to a radio station to visit Stevie Wonder. Does Stevie Wonder host a radio show? Poor guy ended up on a Morning Zoo. Mario asks Stevie for dancing tips, Stevie talks about letting his soul dance. That’s nice, but you know who are traditionally not very good judges of dancing? The blind. Mario’s wearing a scarf, like maybe he’s the new Doctor Who.

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