Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 — The First Elimination!

It’s the first elimination of the season, and I’m on pins and needles.  I like most of the stars this time out, so the elimination will almost definitely make me sad.  Are you ready for filler, drama, and more filler?  Hey, Tom Bergeron!  What was the subtitle of the first volume of Astronauts in Trouble?  Something from the Moon.  Oh yeah, it’s LIIIIIIIIVVVVE!!!!

We open with a pro dance number, and if Myndi were in town, I’d ask her what this song is.  It’s got Lacey, Cheryl, Anna, Maks, Louis, and Dmitry, and then the new Dancing with the Stars troupe joins in.  Tom assures us we’ll meet them later in the show, but they’d better not be taking screen time from my favorites!  I’m afraid of new people, you see.

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  1. great article!

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