
The Dark Knight Rises – A Brief History of Selina Kyle

(Ra’s al Ghul is actually a really good example of the way Nolan has fooled people.  See, al Ghul’s whole thing is that he doesn’t die.  He comes back from the dead in the Lazarus Pit, so he’s centuries old.  So in Batman Begins, the viewers most familiar with Batman expected Ken Watanabe to come back later in the movie, since that’s what Ra’s does.  The fact that he was a fake Ra’s comes as a surprise that’s more surprising if you’re familiar with the character.)

So while I’m not convinced that we’re actually going to see Anne Hathaway don the famous leather bodysuit (Which I think those of us who are dudes would agree would be awesome, Catwoman or not), I’m going to kick off a series taking a look at the histories of Selina, Bane, and Hugo Strange, and see if we can figure out how they might fit into Nolan’s universe.

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