EJ: Some of the characters in Bad Guys seemed to have elaborate backstories that we saw in glimpses. Did you come up with more history for any of them that didn’t make it into the book? And would you ever revisit any of the characters, either in prequel or sequel form?
PHILIP: We didn’t get into Tina as much as I would have liked — an 80 page graphic novel must be even tighter than a feature script. Tina‘s that fast ALL THE TIME, at least as conceived. You know that one relative you have, who talks real slow, and you just wish they’d get to the point? For Tina, that’s the entire human race. She’s BORED out of her mind. I was going to play with her being a drug addict, taking massive amounts of opiates and benzodiazepams just to approach normal speed. We just didn’t have the page count to do it.