
Hall of Shame – The Worst Shows of 2010

Heroes – Remember when this show was great?  And remember when it looked like it was going to get good again?  That was a long time ago.  It was loyalty and inertia that kept us watching Heroes to the bitter end.  2010 brought us the final six episodes, and they were an absolute mess.  We had Claire incessantly whining about how her father has never done anything for her, even though every damn thing he’s done since the first episode has been about protecting her.  Hiro casually changed the past in a way that significantly altered much of Season One, but came back to a present that was unchanged.  Newly-introduced characters disappeared without anybody noticing.  The writers frequently lost track of what powers Peter and Sylar had, and we saw Sylar switch sides approximately one hundred times.  Remember all those alternate futures we saw earlier in the season?  They were never addressed.  Heroes had a lot of balls in the air and let every last one of them drop.  It was so frustrating to watch a show we used to love end its run like that, dying with neither a whimper nor a bang, but rather a shrug and a muttered “Ah, the hell with it”.

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