
The Cape – A Look at TV’s Best (and Worst) Superheroes

Just to set the table, here are three facts that wikipedia gives us about Stripperella.  First, villain Cheapo is “voiced by Jon Lovitz impersonation”.  That’s right, they couldn’t get the real Jon Lovitz!  Second, “Weird Al has appeared twice without any lines”.  Since it’s an animated show, having no lines sort of means that Weird Al has not, in fact, appeared.  Right?  Or did he do a recording session to commit his zero lines to tape?  Finally, a real-life stripper sued the producers, claiming that “Stan Lee stole her idea when she discussed it during a lap dance.”  That’s right, you now have the image of Smilin’ Stan getting a lap dance in your brain, and it will never leave.  Excelsior, indeed!

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  1. You know what might have made Ghettoman even more offensive? If he’d had a partner named Warsaw Ghetto Man and his super power was sending back soup in a deli or something. I can’t believe that even existed!

  2. Stripperella rocks yo

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