
The Cape – A Look at TV’s Best (and Worst) Superheroes

2.  Desmond Hume (Lost) What’s that you say?  Desmond’s not a superhero?  Oh, I beg to differ.  Like Spider-Man, the Hulk, or 90% of Marvel characters up until 1973, he has an origin that involves being exposed to radiation.  In this case, the Swan Station collapsed on him when he and Locke decided not to push the button and vent the electromagnetic build-up.  He has superpowers – the man can send his consciousness forward and backward along his own timeline and has awareness of his own doings in the afterlife.  It’s a weird power, but ol’ Desmond could almost definitely join the Doom Patrol with that.  Finally, he fights evil.  He ran afoul of Charles Widmore, Benry, and Smokey at various times, all of whom had their moments of villainy.  Sounds like a superhero to me!

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  1. You know what might have made Ghettoman even more offensive? If he’d had a partner named Warsaw Ghetto Man and his super power was sending back soup in a deli or something. I can’t believe that even existed!

  2. Stripperella rocks yo

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