
The Cape – A Look at TV’s Best (and Worst) Superheroes

The Worst TV Superheroes

5.  Black Vulcan (Various incarnations of Superfriends) Now, I understand what the Superfriends creative team was trying to do with Black Vulcan.  They wanted some non-Caucasian heroes to join Superman, Batman, and whitest man alive Aquaman.  That’s fine – even laudable.  So why does Black Vulcan make the list of the worst TV superheroes?  Well, DC already had an African-American hero with lightning powers – Black Lightning.  (Back in those days, Black superheroes were apparently required by law to have the word “Black” in their names.)  But using him would have meant they had to pay royalties to Black Lightning’s creators, so they put a Black Lightning-knockoff on the team to save some dough.  That’s always offended me.  I also don’t like the way that he throws lightning which behaves like a physical object with weight and mass.  On the bright side, BV did get some nice bits on Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, where he had the catch phrase, “…in my pants”.

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  1. You know what might have made Ghettoman even more offensive? If he’d had a partner named Warsaw Ghetto Man and his super power was sending back soup in a deli or something. I can’t believe that even existed!

  2. Stripperella rocks yo

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