Fun With Pop Culture

Aeropress: Coffee so good it would shut up the Gilmore Girls.

Aeropress Coffee MakerFor years now, I’ve toiled away trying to brew a cuppa joe on par with the great coffee I enjoy at fancy restaurants following a fancy meal (yes, I’m fancy). I mean, I’m all about a simple brew from a greasy spoon a la Mel’s Diner or Monk’s, but sometimes I just really want to be all uppity like Frasier and Niles at Café Nervosa or the Friends gang at Central Perk. Well, this year, Santa put an end to my toil. Santa sent me an Aeropress.  For those not familiar with an AeroPress, it’s a device, invented in 2005, for brewing coffee. Aeropress Coffee Maker – It allows users to make a seriously strong cup of Espresso, and then pour hot water over said Espresso to make an Americana cup of coffee. It was 11 p.m. and I enjoyed my first AeroPress cup of coffee, and since that didn’t allow me to sleep, I thought I’d write about the experience. Even those snobby Crane brother would be impressed.

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  1. Pingback: Cheap Blogging Stunt: The Bachelor, American Idol « Don’s Ego

  2. Pingback: Lessons, Part 3: Early to Rise « Don’s Ego

  3. Pingback: Things I Love: Coffee, Upside Down AeroPress Technique « Kaleidoscopic Raygun

  4. Pingback: Things I Love: More Coffee and Good Friends « Kaleidoscopic Raygun

  5. Pingback: Things I Love: People Who Love Great Coffee as Much As I Do « Kaleidoscopic Raygun

  6. Pingback: Things I Love: Coffee and So-so, Ho-Hum, Meandering Blogging « Kaleidoscopic Raygun

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