–Spunkybean Staff, 10/18/2010
November 3rd, as most of you don’t know, is National Housewives Day. Are we supposed to honor them? Or envy them? Or is this just a day they all get together and toast themselves for tricking poor saps like me into letting them lead lives of complete leisure? And will that last comment mean no dinner, tonight?
I often say that my wife doesn’t work, but then I quickly retract that statement and say she doesn’t receive a W-2 in the mail, but she definitely works. Housewives never get a coffee break or a long lunch, or they always do – depending your perspective. Their title has evolved from Homemaker, to Housewife, to Domestic Engineer, all the way to Domestic Goddess. They cook, clean, carpool, care, fold, iron, discipline, and so much more. The better the Housewife, the more they can do, the less time they have to themselves, and the crazier they become. At least, that’s if I believe the article my wife forced me to read in Women’s Health.
But I write for spunkybean, and my worldview is shaped by television and movies.