Fun With Pop Culture

The First Annual Spunky Awards – Part One

BIGGEST “SCREW YOU” TO THE FANS – Man, we loved FlashForward. Until everything went to hell.  The show struggled after coming back from its long winter hiatus, and then turned in an incredibly disappointing finale.  We’re still bitter that Bryce decided to leave an actual woman who loved him for somebody who he had never met but once had a dream about, but it was the final moments of the series that were most aggravating.  The show was cancelled before the finale was completed, so the creators could have built some closure into the ending.  Instead, the show ended with the fates of most of the major characters undefined and a confusing montage of flash forwards that indicated storytelling choices that they probably wouldn’t have taken had the show continued.  (Also, the flashes were inconsistent with the time period they covered, which contradicted everything they’d told us all season about how the flashes worked.)  So not only did they not give the viewers any satisfaction, but they seemingly made the finale more obtuse and open-ended.

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