Fun With Pop Culture

The First Annual Spunky Awards – Part One

Bret also won the Spunky for BEST APPEARANCE BY A BANDANNA IN A RECURRING ROLE.  His only competition in this category was Nick from The Amazing Race, and, frankly, he couldn’t hold Bret’s jock, let alone his bandanna.

MOST SURPRISING RECURRING CONCEPT — We’d gone all our lives without being aware that there was such a thing as a “Murder Boner”.  Now, thanks to Delocated and The League, our innocence is lost forever.

BEST SPINOFF (ACTUAL) – Adult Swim’s Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job ended this year, but it gave birth to the wonderful Check it Out.  Presented as a public access show starring John C. Reilly’s Dr. Steve Brule (For your health!), it was a journey into the best kind of madness.  Whether it was throwaway gags like Brule’s inability to ever remember anybody’s last name (usually just converting them into some variation of “Drungus”), his twisted logic when trying to explain basic concepts, or his always hilarious reaction shots, Check it Out was consistently funny and delightful.  We hope Reilly can fit in another season amidst his movie work.

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