Fun With Pop Culture

The First Annual Spunky Awards – Part One

MOST TRAUMATIC HOUR OF THE YEAR – “The Candidate” – One of the final episodes of Lost, this was the one with the submarine explosion.  Sayid, who appeared to be lost to the dark side, gave his life to buy the rest of the Lostaways a few minutes.  To see the old Sayid return was a “Hell, Yeah!” moment, followed immediately by our screams of horror when the bomb exploded in his arms.  And then Frank (apparently) died, though he got better.  Next, Sun was pinned behind some equipment and couldn’t get free.  While everybody else escaped, Jin waited with her.  As the water rose, we knew it was the end for them, and that Jin would never get to hold his daughter.  It was no secret that the end was in sight but to lose three of Lost’s key characters in a matter of minutes was emotionally scarring.  This was the episode that wrecked us.

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