Fun With Pop Culture

The First Annual Spunky Awards – Part One

April mistakenly schedules 93 meetings for Ron Swanson on the same day, when her whole job is to make sure Ron doesn’t have to take any meetings.  (Ron:  “April was supposed to be the moat that kept the citizen barbarians away from Castle Swanson.  Instead, she blew up the castle and stabbed me in the face.”)  Ron recruits the whole department, including non-employees Ann and Andy to help.  Meanwhile, Leslie drags Tom along to save a historic gazebo.

The meetings are pure lunacy, including a man banned from attending children’s sporting events after shouting “You suck!” to a team of five-year-old girls.  It’s fun to watch how everybody handles meetings, with April’s increasingly bizarre explanations (“Ron Swanson is currently dead.  I’m his daughter, and it’s his last wish that I take this meeting with you.”) and Andy’s inability to be dismissive.  (“I think I promised somebody an aquatic center.  Is that going to be a problem.”)  And Leslie’s plot is great, with Tom hitting on Miss Pawnee 1994 at every opportunity and undermining Leslie’s attempts to save the gazebo that was the site of Pawnee’s first interracial marriage.  (…and the subsequent massacre.)

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