Fun With Pop Culture

The First Annual Spunky Awards – Part One

BEST USE OF A SHOOTING SPREE TO REBOOT A SERIES–Even in the eyes of its most devoted fans, Grey’s Anatomy was losing its way completely during its sixth season.  There had been behind the scenes scandals and melodramas, a string of increasingly ridiculous plotlines (two words: Ghost Sex) and a cast of characters that was just too big to manage.  Well, the May 20, 2010 airing of the back to back hours “Sanctuary” and “Death and All His Friends” set this series on a new course.

The crazed shooter who entered Seattle Grace was hellbent on killing Derek Sheppard, whom he held responsible for his wife’s death.  But in his grief, the man became an indiscriminate murderer, and no one was safe.  Major characters were put in actual peril and other characters were charged with helping them survive.  When the dust settled, two supporting players were dead, two major characters had barely survived and everyone’s perspective had been changed.  So far, season 7 has used that tension and momentum to propel these characters down much more interesting paths than they were headed down prior to that episode.  Long time viewers are being rewarded with a more mature medical soap opera, and acting that’s as compelling and entertaining as ever.

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