Fun With Pop Culture

The First Annual Spunky Awards – Part One

BEST ADDITIONS TO OUR VOCABULARYDelocated gave us “’breve”, which is the short (and cool) way to say “abbreviate”.  Venture Bros. came up with “cripster” – a hipster on crutches.  But FX’s The League gave us new words with almost every episode.  While “cunotary” and “fear boner” are pretty limited in their utility, “anticiperection” is good, and “vinegar strokes”, well, that’s pure genius.  (The last moments of sex, when a man can not stop no matter what else may be happening, those are the vinegar strokes.)

WEIRDEST MOMENT – It didn’t really stand out at the time because Celebrity Apprentice was so full of strangeness during any given episode.  But now that we have a little bit of distance, we have to admit that Donald Trump firing disgraced governor Rod Blagojevich for not knowing enough about Harry Potter was pretty damn weird.

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