Fun With Pop Culture

The First Annual Spunky Awards – Part One

BEST BREAK FROM REALITY SHOW HOST SCRIPT–Each week it’s on, we’re impressed with the ability of Tom Bergeron to roll with the punches of live TV on DWTS, so you would think one of his quips might get this award.  You would be wrong, though.  In a last minute entry, Survivor host Jeff Probst snagged this one.  We at the spunkybean offices are somewhat divided on Jeff Probst.  Some of us find him smarmy, while others think he does an amazing job of overseeing challenges and tribal councils, even if his reunion show record isn’t always stellar.  And he has to get some credit for actually living on location while each season is shot, even if it’s in a nicely appointed tent.  On the penultimate episode of the Nicaragua season, Jeff received a typically inane question from contestant Chase, who’d just won a reward challenge and had to select two other players to accompany him.  “What will happen to the rest of them?”, asked dopey Chase.  Probst didn’t miss a beat with his response:  “They will be taken & executed”.  We love aggravated Probst!

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