Fun With Pop Culture

Tom Waits Week: Glitter and Doom

  • As with most things in my live that make me happy, I got into Tom Waits through the nerdiest means possible. About ten years ago, I was obsessed with cartoonist Eddie Campbell, and I somehow found an interview with Waits where he said that he named “The Eyeball Kid”, a recurring character in his songs, after a Campbell character. Naturally, I had to buy a copy of Bone Machine, and that changed everything. For that reason, it was really exciting for me that Tom performed “The Eyeball Kid” as one of his encores.
  • Unfortunately, a number of people at the show saw fit to wear porkpie hats. Yes, Tom Waits wears a porkpie hat (and at one point in the show, a mirrored derby), but he is the coolest man in America. What follows is a partial list of people who are cool enough to wear a porkpie hat and not look like a jackass:

–George Clooney –Paul Rudd –Bruce Wayne –Clancy Brown

If you somehow believe that you are cool enough to wear a porkpie hat, you are mistaken.

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