Fun With Pop Culture

Tom Waits Week: Tom Onscreen

Dracula (1992) – Remember this movie? Imagine watching it today and having all of the 90’s come rushing back at you, as Francis Ford Coppola puts both Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder in a period piece. I remember really liking this movie when it came out, but I was in high school and thus, incredibly stupid. It’s bloated and pretentious, and if it weren’t for Gary Oldman’s performance, it would be impossible to watch. However, Tom Waits provides the one legitimately fun part of the entire movie. He has several scenes as Dracula’s servant, Renfield. Renfield’s in an asylum throughout the movie, eating bugs and screaming about his master. It’s pretty awesome. Most of the time, Tom plays characters who are variations on himself, and his acting style is pretty low-key. But here, he’s just completely over-the-top raving mad. Especially notable is the scene where Dracula enters his cell as mist and just beats the hell out of his faithful servant.

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