Fun With Pop Culture

We’re Team Conan!

The panic was no doubt fueled by one of the worst years for advertising, so their drop in ad revenue made it all worse. Being in media, everyone’s looking for answers. Unfortunately, there are no quick answers or fixes, and with any recession NBC should have been looking long term.

Instead they put their past on at 10pm, failing to give their future a fighting chance, and now they’ve destroyed the only future hope they had.

Conan should’ve been included in running the network and recruiting talent and bright young stars to the network. I hope he does it somewhere else, now.  It seems foolish to hold a grudge against a network, but NBC …I’m through with you. I’ll stick around for the kids sake (The Office, 30 Rock, and cute little Community), but once they’re off to college and out of the house, I’m leaving you for good.

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