Fun With Pop Culture

We’re Team Conan!


You know, I could talk at length about how Conan does the best show of anybody in late night.  I could go on about favorite bits or characters (I would absolutely watch a weekly series starring Cody Devereaux, Vampire Assistant), but there’s a more important reason why I’m on Team Conan:  Conan’s the good guy.  Now, I’ve never met the man, though I have to assume that he and Andy would be my best friends in the whole world.  But the way he’s conducted himself this entire time has been classy and decent and impressive.  This all started to go wrong back when NBC announced that Leno would get the 10 PM slot.  Right away that meant that Conan would still be hosting the second talk show of the night, he’d have competition for guests, and I think everybody who is not an NBC executive realized that Leno was going to bomb and poison the late-night ratings.  Conan was going to start his Tonight Show run with a giant turd in the punchbowl.  But Conan congratulated Jay Leno on his show, he expressed excitement about the lineup, and was a total professional.

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