Secret Shame

My Secret Shame: The Jazz Singer (June 3)

To the dulcet tones of “Hello Again” he makes his way back to Molly, who’s playing with an infant on the beach.  She welcomes him back after what has to be about a year, no questions asked, by handing him the baby and kissing him passionately.  When I was seven, I thought this was terribly romantic.  Now, that I am, ahem, older, and a mother, all I can think is, “Oh, hell no!” 

Despite that, I still cry my eyes out when Jess goes back to New York and sings Kol Nidre (the central prayer of the Yom Kippur service) in his father’s place and then reconciles with him and shows him a picture of his grandson.  What am I, made of stone?!  (“He has your eyes, Yossel!”)

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