Secret Shame

Secret Shame – EJ Confesses!

There are episodes about race, poverty, and drug abuse; all of these issues go into some sort of blender and come out as some sort of tapioca-like substance that middle Americans in the 1970’s could watch while eating dinner without getting agitated.  Still, I am not offended by this.  The episode where Washington gets hooked on painkillers is one of my favorite things ever, and I absolutely can’t explain or even understand it.

As somebody who spends a lot of time thinking about TV, I am a little upset by this.  I’d like to think I have better taste than that.  And the fact that I’m aware of everything that’s wrong with the show, and my love remains undiminished?  That makes me think I might be crazy.  But if loving Kotter is crazy, I’m not sure I want to be sane.

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