You know, Summer just isn’t as much fun for us indoorsy types. We have allergies and a severe lack of pigmentation, and a game of beach volleyball could, frankly, prove fatal. We’d like to think we’re not alone, so that’s why we’ve set out to find some great DVD box sets that you can enjoy, while staying inside where it’s comfortable. Because, after all, Who Needs Fresh Air?
This week, we’re looking at a long-awaited recent release, Andy Richter Controls the Universe: The
Complete Series, collecting all 19 episodes, including five that were never aired on FOX.

The series originally aired for two short seasons in 2002-2003, and then disappeared in a fog of network incompetence. This is seriously one of my most wanted box sets for years. I’ve been making do for the last few years with recorded copies of the series as it ran on Canadian television. It turns out that Canadian TV stations aren’t really that careful with sound sync. Also, they fill the bottom of the screen with weather bulletins as often as possible. It’s just glorious to be able to watch the show without a radar map of Ontario taking up valuable real estate.