Movie Reviews

Half-Ass TV Review: Mad Men, Season 1 (Jul 25)

As much as I want to see Pete get what’s coming to him, I can’t deny that his entire life is structured to do just that. Every single thing in Pete’s life contributes to his ongoing misery. And yet, the audience feels no sympathy toward him. He’s miserable and he deserves it. His relationship with Don is one of the most interesting on television. Pete is desperate for Don’s approval, at the same time he seeks to destroy him. I can’t tell which he’d prefer, and I’m not sure that Pete does either. On the other hand, Pete spent most of the season beneath Don’s notice. Don felt, at most, mild contempt for Pete. Once Pete uncovered Don’s secrets, Don had to take notice. And yet, it didn’t really change their interaction. Don treats him the same way, but now takes pleasure in his misery.

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