Movie Reviews

Wristcutters: A Love Story (movie)

Even better, Will Arnett shows up as the Messiah, who plans to perform a miracle and separate his spirit from his body.  (His first attempt on Earth was what landed him in the suicide realm.)  He plays the character as an extension of GOB, from the much loved Arrested Development, even wearing one of GOB’s old outfits at one point.  I don’t know to what extent the director intended that, but when you cast Will Arnett as an arrogant magician, you have to know where that’s headed.

Ultimately, the movie really just wants to tell a story about love conquering all.  It’s not exactly revolutionary, and the ending, while sweet, is predictable.  Still, it’s an interesting trip.  There’s a certain bleak beauty to the washed-out landscapes, the performances are solid, and it’s well-written, even if the inventiveness of the script comes apart at the end.  It’s definitely worth watching, and it’ll get inside your head.

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