Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-1

The men work on a name, and they quickly settle on “Rock Solid”. It was Bret’s suggestion, and then he admits that’s also the name of his t-shirt line. Ha! Also, Bret Michaels has a t-shirt line? I think it must be aimed at people who think Ed Hardy is a little too subtle. (Sample slogan: “Rock Solid T-Shirts, for when sleeves seem too formal”–Myndi) Blagojevich interviews about how great it is to hang out with a bunch of dudes. And then, in the room, Sinbad absolutely starts ripping on him. I love it. As he says, “A brother would know, you make that call from a pay phone!” He is going to make Blagojevich cry before the season is over.

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