Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-1

Rock Solid decides to start with a $100 price point for a hamburger. Ivanka finds this interesting, but risky. They tell her that they’re going to have a truffle risotto, which is the advantage of having Curtis Stone on your team.

Tenacity calls their contacts. Holly tells us that she’s good at fundraising, as she has an autistic child. (And to her credit, didn’t go around telling everybody that vaccinations caused it. Fun fact about Jenny McCarthy: She spent years claiming that vaccinations were the source of her son’s autism and telling parents not to vaccinate their children. Turns out that 1) the link between childhood vaccinations and autism has been thoroughly debunked and 2) her son may not actually be autistic. I now regret every moment of the 90’s that I spent looking at her breasts.) Cyndi says she only has one rich friend, and that’s Rosie O’Donnell, who Trump has warred with in the press. I am surprised that a reference to Rosie even made it into the show, actually. Especially when Cyndi says “Look at the wife he married.” I don’t know what that means, but it’s awesome. And it gets better when Cyndi says “Ironically, he called her fat, when he himself is not a thin man”. HA!

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