Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-1

Over at the Rock Solid diner, Curtis, Goldberg, and Blagojevich begin cooking. Goldberg wears a paper hat which he says “fits me like a yarmulke”, and I will guarantee that got a laugh out of Myndi. (Fo shizzle.–Myndi) Selita and Maria, over at Tenacity, start hauling beef and peeling potatoes. Blagojevich is having a hard time mastering the intricacies of chopping vegetables. (“I didn’t cook at all when I was Governor. I was cooking up results. For people.” HE ACTUALLY SAID THIS!) Maria is hilarious as she feeds beef into the grinder. “It sounds like it’s pooping!” Bret Michaels gives his team a motivational speech, as Sinbad explains “I think Poison used to hug a lot.” Hee.

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