Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-1

Rock Solid does not have the same line that Tenacity does, what with being crazy expensive and also having a picture of Blagojevich in the window. Al Roker shows up, because apparently Curtis is a favorite on Today. (He’s NBC official celebrity chef, and I am now sort of in love with him in spite of that fact.–Myndi) Somebody hands Michael Johnson a stack of hundreds. And that’s where you know he’s a good guy. World’s fastest man and thousands of dollars in cash – you can see where that could go wrong. Goldberg kisses a man who is shelling out hundreds, which is awesome. He comes out of nowhere, kisses the man’s head, and disappears into the night. I suspect that I could end up liking Goldberg, between his weird sense of humor and his propensity for Yiddish. (Mazel Tov!–Myndi) Don Jr. is off to visit the men, and Bret is much better at schmoozing than Cyndi is. Don has very little to say.

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