Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-1

Trump explains that Joan’s favorite team gets an extra $10,000, but he says it in a way that makes no sense. He begins with “Joan’s a special woman”, and then spends way too much time explaining that she preferred one team over the other. It’s an easy concept, dude! Joan preferred Tenacity, because they didn’t leave her food sitting there. Also, she didn’t have to breathe the same air as Blagojevich. (How in the hell is that name in my spellcheck?) Actually, Joan specifically cited Blagojevich as being the problem, because he was a crappy waiter and also a crappy Governor. He’s also crappy at answering Trump’s question about whether he spent too much time talking Hint: If you’re a politician, try not to answer with “I don’t recall”. That’s basically a neon sign telling us that you’re about to start lying.

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