Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-1

OK, Trump asks Cyndi to pick two people come back to the Boardroom. Cyndi says she can’t fire somebody. Trump explains that he actually does the firing, and she has to pick two people. Cyndi: “But then they could get fired!” She’s learning the premise of this show as she goes. She refuses to pick anybody, so Trump agrees to choose from the whole group. First he talks about how successful the show is, and then that nobody really did a bad job. And since most people picked Carol, she’s fired. Huh. Carol asks for a donation to her charity, and Trump gives her $10,000 which is kind of cool. (Bottom line: Cyndi’s a bigger name than Carol, even though Carol’s far more accomplished, therefore she could not be fired on the first show.  Stupid.–Myndi)

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