Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-5

At Tenacity’s meeting, Holly asks how important it is to target moms. The answer is “Not very”, since they’ve previously stated their target audience. Since this doesn’t fit Holly’s already-decided concept, she ignores the answer to this question. Maria doubts that they’re aiming at the right demographic, but I am too distracted be her red fedora to take her concerns seriously.

Back at Rock Solid, Curtis is happy that the teams are even this week, due to illness and hate crimes. Bret comes up with an idea, and we don’t really get to see it play out in full, but he insists that he and Curtis have to act it out. Even though Curtis doesn’t know what it is. It’s like making the other guy go first on a knock-knock joke. Bret then insists that somebody be a doorbell, and makes it damn clear that they will not continue until somebody makes a doorbell noise. There’s a long pause before Goldberg finally deadpans the most perfunctory “ding dong” you will ever hear. Hee. Curtis explains that Bret takes forever to make his point, but “there’s a bit of brains at the end there”. That’s a pretty accurate measure.

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