Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-5

OK, we’re going to have a problem here, given that my job is to make fun of Bret Michaels. For the rest of the episode, there’s a lot of talk about his daughter’s medical problems, and there is nothing funny about that. However, Bret is also a giant drama queen – the man knows how reality TV works, and he is pretty obviously seeking out cameras so they can see him cry. I mean, this guy once cried because one of the skanks on Rock of Love wasn’t there for “the right reasons”. Homeboy likes to cry where he can be filmed. So, my heart goes out to his daughter, but Bret is also really manipulative or a total puss. That just needs to be said. Also, it’s very weird that all of Bret’s information seems to come through an intermediary this whole time.

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