Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-5

Bret then announces to the team and the camera that his daughter “had blood sugar spill into her urine”, which might not be a detail that we need, and she’s going to be tested for diabetes. (Because I am a bad person, I am fixated on how Bret pronounces ‘diabetes’ to rhyme with ‘Why, a fetus’, much like Wilford Brimley does.) At least he’s sharing the news with his closest friends, including Clyde Drexler, who he has known for two minutes. Again, I feel very badly for the poor kid, but Bret is kind of gross for putting it on camera. Also, I think it would be better for his daughter if he stopped talking about it like it’s a death sentence. (Seriously!  Given that he actually has the same disease, he really should be having a somewhat more controlled reaction.–Myndi)

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