Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-5

Rock Solid gets to their studio, and Bret is horrified that it doesn’t look like an apartment. Well, I don’t think they promised the studio would look like the scene you designed without any work on your part. So Bret decides they need to change everything, rather than just setting up a couch. Curtis sends Goldberg and Michael to the prop shop, and then Curtis and Bret argue their points using their poor director as a surrogate. They each state their point to the director as an indisputable fact and ask him to confirm, and this poor guy just wants to go home and start drinking. He finally agrees that it both is and isn’t possible to shoot their original concept. Bret comes up with a new idea that is stupid, and Curtis agrees to change it. (At this point, I was ready to lose all faith in Curtis, who was finally in the position to tell Bret to Sit On It, and was instead letting him eff everything up.–Myndi)

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