Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-5

Rock Solid unloads their props, and the whole team helps out, just as Ivanka shows up. Curtis runs interference to keep Bret away from her, which is a pretty good call. Curtis schmoozes her to keep her happy. When she asks why they haven’t started filming yet, Curtis responds “Oh, we’ve shot two scenes already”. Yes, he straight up lies in response to a direct question. And he does it so smoothly that Ivanka doesn’t even question that they are clearly still building their set. Ivanka’s not dumb, either. Like, you could probably fool Don Jr. with a round of “Got your nose”, but not Ivanka. Curtis is a very good liar. He’s like Keyser Soze. Curtis Stone’s greatest trick is convincing the world he doesn’t exist. By the way, my Ivanka crush wanes a little when she says “concurrent” instead of “consecutive”. I don’t care how pretty you are, they mean different things!

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