Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-5

We jump to Washington DC, and Cyndi is at the ceremony where the President signs the hate crime prevention act, and afterwards, he shakes hands with Cyndi. It’s no Nixon and Elvis, but Obama and Lauper are a pretty swell pair. I so wish Cyndi got a chance to ask him some rambling questions. She calls in afterwards with some ideas, including that her son calls puberty “the Big P”, which is insane. Everybody totally ignores her, and I’m tired of Holly and Summer being so crappy to her. You know what? She’s a little crazy, but she deserves common courtesy. Heck, Rock Solid would sit down to listen to Blagojevich, and that dude contributed nothing ever. Damn, the mean girls are really condescending. (I can only imagine what she thought when she saw that scene at home.–Myndi)

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