Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-5

Trump meets up with the retarded baby ducklings on a basketball court, and I can already tell this is an ideal task – the wingmen are George and Ivanka. Sold! Michael Johnson refuses to pretend to be sad about Blagojevich leaving. Sharon Osbourne is sitting this task out, due to illness. And while Cyndi is there at the moment, she has to go to Washington DC because her True Colors Foundation sponsored an anti-hate crime bill that goes into effect on that very day. That’s awesome! I did have to do a little bit of research, though. Turns out, even with this new bill, it’s also still illegal to beat up somebody that you don’t hate. That’s one to grow on. Anyway, Trump gives President Obama his blessing. I’m sure that’s big on his list of concerns right now, you know?

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