Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice 3-5

Holly says Cyndi contributed the least, but adds the qualifier that she missed a day. Still, she would like it to be known that Cyndi is the least valuable member of the team. They watch the ads, and we’ve seen them in bits and pieces so many times by now that there’s nothing new. Except that creepy Scottie Pippen comes off even more like a child molester when you see the whole thing. The guys really like the women’s ad, and are pretty gracious about saying so. Cyndi and Trump argue over whether Rock Solid’s ad is funny, and Trump insists that it is. “I laughed. You saw me. And I’m not a person who laughs.” Oh, and there’s also: “He gets hit with a ball. What’s funny about that? But I laughed.” I wish Donald Trump had a spoken word album – I would buy it in a heartbeat.  (How about a duet between Trump and Shatner?  Shazam!–Myndi)

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