Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 2 “Discombooberated”

At Rock Solid, Bret asks Michael what Sinbad wants him to do. Michael, not being Sinbad, doesn’t know. Bret explains that he’d hate to do the wrong thing, and you suddenly get a feel for why he will become incredibly irritating before the season is over. Bret keeps asking Sinbad what he should be doing, usually when Sinbad is either talking to somebody else, or talking out loud in a way that suggests he’s working out a problem in his head. Sinbad keeps him ignoring him, because that’s what you do. (Also, Bret is sort of tiny, so Sinbad may not have seen him every time.  Just sayin’.–Myndi) Bret interviews about how his feelings are hurt. Blagojevich likens himself to Teddy Roosevelt, and then stands in the window making a length, obscenity-ridden phone call, seemingly about his legal issues. Because that’s what Teddy Roosevelt would have done. Remember his famous maxim, “Speak softly, and carry a big stick. Also, cock.” He takes a minute to interview about his innocence, and then we see footage of him walking down the street, when a guy walks past and tells him “You’re a disgrace”, and Blagojevich tells him that he’s wrong. The guy insists, though. He meets a woman who says she was named after him, and this doesn’t seem weird to Blagojevich, because he’s so up his own ass. And then it turns out that the woman thought he was Donny Osmond, which is hilarious, but probably made Donny Osmond sad.

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