Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 2 “Discombooberated”

Rock Solid actually has kind of a cool setup – there’s a wrestling ring where you can pose with Goldberg, a chef station for Curtis, track blocks for Michael, instruments that you can stand in front of with Bret, and a prison shower room where you can have your way with Blagojevich. (That last one didn’t make it on the air, but I’m pretty sure it was there.) Bret is setting up a display of photos, and he wonders if they’re supposed to be all “discombooberated”. Oh, Bret. Blagojevich fusses over the balloon, and we hear him say an out-of-context “goldenrod”. They still have one blank wall, and with five minutes left, the print shop gets them a smaller version of the original banner that they requested. Sinbad is now excited, and in a critique of his team says “Can’t nobody get balloons like Rod”. He’s pretty sure that the only way Tenacity could win is if they made a building from scratch and one of them could fly. Well, Maria is kind of dressed like a super-villain…

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