Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 2 “Discombooberated”

At Tenacity, there’s a power outage. This knocks out their printers, but Maria keeps the enthusiasm up. The power comes back, then goes out again. Tenacity’s reaction is weird – it’s like everything has to stop dead even though there’s plenty of natural light. They can’t print pictures, but they should be able to keep taking them. They do have to reboot every time though, which sucks. It’s bedlam around the printers, where everybody is trying to find their pictures off of a table stacked full. It’s like after they finished compiling the yearbook, and then they let everybody in school come get the originals of the pictures. Everybody would jostle and crowd to find any pictures that they were in and it would take forever and be really uncomfortable, and then you would find out that there weren’t any pictures of you in the yearbook because you were pale and friendless and bad at sports. (What, that wasn’t everybody’s exact experience?)

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